Thuraya Telecommunications, an international mobile satellite services provider, recently launched its new mobile satellite broadband terminal called Thuraya IP+ -- the latest addition to the company’s growing portfolio.
Enabling a broad range of applications like email, data transfer, live high quality video broadcasting, social media communications, VoIP applications and web browsing, the new satellite broadband terminal of Thuraya is specifically engineered to accomplish an ultra-fast IP speed, ensuring rapid and reliable access to broadband data services via the company’s satellite network. The terminal also allows access to corporate networks even from the remotest locations that are beyond the reach of traditional terrestrial networks.
Weighing only 1.4 kilos for fast deployment, Thuraya’s IP+ is smaller than a regular-sized laptop and supports bandwidth-hungry applications at speeds of up to 444Kbps on standard IP, and 384Kbps on streaming IP along with a built-in antenna. The terminal can also be set up to provide asymmetric streaming capabilities, allowing users to control their upload and download speeds based on usage requirements, therefore optimizing bandwidth costs.